Made a Mano DOT’s  (PIZZO or PIXELS) collection on tiles in terracotta and on the tables in lava stone for outdoor in M26, Milan


For more info about Made a Mano DOT’s Collection, visit our website:
Design: Francesco Marescotti
The DOT’s project is inspired by the photographic black and white halftone.  The light and the dark of an image is made through point of different diameters.
The greater or lesser size and density of the points determine the lighter or darker parts of the image.  The image formed by the points is unstable, hinted, indefinite, points make up the image by the joining as pixels, creating contours and shapes, giving depth and nuances. The points break down the image chasing, degrading until the disappear. Shapes and image are mixed replacing with each other or vanish into thin air.

Durante #‎milanodesignweek dal 14 al 19 aprile nel nuovo spazio M26 verrà presentata la nuova linea #‎Dots per madeamano.
Design Francesco Marescotti
Il progetto DOT’S si ispira al retino fotografico in bianco e nero.
L’immagine composta dai punti è instabile, evanescente, indefinita, i punti compongono l’immagine aggregandosi o sfumando nel nulla.
Qualsiasi immagine è realizzabile, in diverse forme, colori o dimensioni. Tavoli e superfici in pietra lavica di Made a Mano.

Dove: Via Marghera, 26 – 20149 Milano
Google Maps:

Data: [ dal 14 Aprile 2015 ]
Ore: 11.00 – 20.00


Link video:


